This is Dizzyyy here ( haha i'ma mini William) and this is the finale post!
I want to thank all of you who have supported me through high and low, also tomorow is the day with break up from school into the 6 weeks holiday WOOT! :D Here are some comments from the "true story post"
Chobubble :
Noo dizzah please dont leave, if you do we will all miss you (and me :D) :( its actually sad because you was like one of my best friends on chobots and now its time to say good-bye :(
i really wanted you to become an agent but you're quitting but if you come back you may have a second chance ;((
byee :(
Torres9502 :
Did you mention about this like 5 days ago or something cos i was on holiday, please stay though, you were a great friend and you posted great stuff on my blog. I see how annoying it is when you get lots of recommends, i got 22 and never got on the poll. For some reason last october chobots team choose 9 random people to go on the poll. I was on it and got 48 votes! But only came 7th. But dizzyyy you can always stay and try even harder I know how much you want it. But there is lots of deserving people out there just like you, no matter if you dont become a agent you should always act like a wannabe. Doesnt matter if people say " Hey your a agent wannabe haha " . Because if the whole of chobots where agent wannabes everyone would get along well and there probely wont be hacking right now.
Goodbye dizzyyy,
xFruityloopyx :
sooo ur main goal was to become an agent?
sorry ur leaving D: i wish i got to know you better, but i had fun at parties and fashion shows with u :) glad we could make u laugh! i hope ur last few days on chobots will be the best ones!
Gemsgirl :
hi dizzah,
im almost cryin in rl! pls dont go i forgive u! u should kno that bein an agent isnt the world...
u kno, i dont care if u lied ure a nice person, rlly! Pls dont go!
from one of ure bezzies,
Birdplate (yes, she's still around) :
I'm so sad you're leaving, and I'll never ever forget you :) I should be thanking you, you made my life a whole lot better when you came into it. I'll always love you, Dizzeh Wizzeh. Even when I deleted you cause I thought you were fake (Sorry about that D:) you were still awesome.. Dizz, Katie.. always'in'my'heart <3 :) x
Cheweh :
Aww :( Too bad you're leaving. It was so fun to hang out with you on the Cafe street, etc. :((
Visit us, when you can!!! ))))
Yellowbell ( I liked to call her bluebell xD) :
Omg naaaww!! Oh Dizzyyy D:
I never knew you where 21Katie..Woah...xD
Ilyyy and i'll never forget youuu!♥
Luvlie :
Im gonna miss u so much! But is being an agent as important as quitting and leaving your friends?
I'll miss you :(
The story of me:
I won AHP. I was in the 4 that would go on the poll. But, guess what, the day that the poll came out.. I wasn't on it. Luckily, I have a really great friend. I crashed, and came back to finding myself an agent! So you can't just give up. Even if I hadn't been on the poll or made an agent, I wouldn't have left. Because there are second chances. :)
If you do decide to quit, ill miss you alot. You are one of my besties.
You are sweet, fun, and totally epic!
Im gonna miss seeing you calling me Luvlie Duvlie (ur the only one that calls me that) and ill miss seeing you and calling you Dizzeh Wizzeh.
Ill miss you, and I guess ill see you around if you decide to come back. :)
And Clubpengi :
Im going to miss you gurlll, please dont leave me sistah! I will get upset :O
Thanks for the lovely comments, i'll be sure to visit chobots soonie, real soonie! Anyway, Clubpengi kindly made me this for me :
Awwh, thank-you Clubpengi!
Also I have a few ways we can still chat to each other
Email :
Mario Kart (Wii) code : 4296-5054-9334 ( and my name will be "Katie")
Animal Crossing ( Wii) -Let's go to the city : 327-6745-4670 ( My name will be "Katie =)")
So we can still chat to each other, and of course i'll come back to visit, btw authors please...
I will be removing you anyway, also I'm not deleting this blog, because I might want to look back on it but this blog is closing down so will no longer be posting here.
Its been nice to know you,
P.S. Hope we can still chat to each other, if not, chat soon!