Here are a few tips on how to become an agent
- Help chobots that need help
- Be kind, polite and Helpful
- Making a blog may help some people
- Don't ask for adds
- Don't ask for recomends to get onto the agent poll
- Follow the rules
-Logg on daily/as often as you can/Active
-Equally respect everyone
- Repsect other beliefs (E.g Religions)
- And finally beh a fun chobot :)
Finding agents
Here is a guide I made to finding an agent take a look:
Well most agents are in cafe street because it's the busiest place in chobots, also, some of the agents like to draw so it's best to look in the agents underground. But how can you tell they're an agent? Well they will have blue chat and they will most likely wear agent items. But please be aware that some de-agented chobots might wear them aswell so click their playercard and look for the agent badge which looks like this: